Nachdem ich euch schon mit WIPs zugespammt habe, hier noch Mal das fertige Produkt~ Einen ausführlichen Kommentar findet ihr natürlich auf Creative. Auf jedenfall hatte ich wirklich unheimlich viel Spaß bei dem Bild gehabt x3

0 5

Remember this handsome sunovavitch? Of course you do. Who fucking forgets Repede? You don't fucking forget about best animugamu doggo. >:O

58 243

Repede is a real cool dog but have you ever seen him as a puppy

3 17

Ahhh Thank you so much, I'm not sure which would be the most easy so I'll let you pick from Cosmo from Voltron, Ame from the Wolf Children or Repede from Tales of Vesperia.

0 5

There's an armored dog that can play puyo that means Repede can too

40 62

Happy to see Tales of Vesperia coming to PC. I can play with this mutt again~

23 68

Repede is the goodest of boys

0 1

TOV ラピードTF
Tales of Vesperia RepedeTF

409 1278

Ive got more Charms for sale in my store! come check out my Tales of Vesperia charms and get your own Yuri, Estelle, and Repede!

2 1

repede from tales of vesperia. this one is for me and only me lol bc I love the animal crossing style

3 4

I want to draw every good boy. Here is Repede from Tales of Vesperia! I am very fond of the 'Tales' series ;u;

525 1859

Repede from Tales of Vesperia

1 0

i LoVe yOu MoM yOu aRe tHe BeSt
yOu beTtEr tHaN aLl tHe ReSt
aNd iF aNyOnE eVeR TaKeS uS ApArT
iD rEpEdEdLy sTaB tHeM iN tHe HeArT

102 1069

whoops i drew a design for a fluri charm...including fat repede pupper

37 50

Finished Repede!

2 11