【UTAU】The vocal synth of the hour is Mumeion Koritsu.
Voiced and managed by VOCALOID/UTAU producer Anh Duy, Koritsu is an immortal utauloid who sings with an energetic, youthful voice.
His rival is Denatsu Sora.

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I did the outfit challenge, last time was Aile, so for this occasion I chose Misora... and she's not that happy about it.

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If anyone remembers me from 3 years ago, I had a objectsona. Present day, I had changed it into sora.
So here’s the two personas meeting

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STREAM TIME: https://t.co/M8WkWts2do
To Do:
⚫Warming up with the meow-doptable winners, one down two to go.
⚫//hopefully// finishing Kingdom Hearts 4 's Sora. prt2 [ almost done, just need to learn how to draw a chain]
⚫Doodles/possibly another meow-doptable giveaway!

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Congrats! I’ll go with my OC Sora.

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I was tryin to draw Meiru and Misora swapping clothes but my drawing style is too conspicious that they look no longer like Meiru and Misora..

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【UTAU】The vocal synth of the hour is Suiga Sora.
Not much is said about Sora other than that he is a 19 year old man with much love for curry.

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Here’s a vocaloid just for you: Haruno Sora.
A gentle and quiet girl, Sora is capable of singing in a ‘gentle’ style as well as in a ‘cool’ style.
She also has a VOICEROID2 voicebank.

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STREAM TIME: https://t.co/M8WkWts2do

⚫Warming up with the meow-doptable winners from Thursday's stream
⚫//hopefully// finishing Kingdom Hearts 4 's Sora.

Below is a wip of the Keyblade which took FOREVER to render xD

What are shapes in space 🤔

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【UTAU】The vocal synth of the hour is Suiga Sora.
Not much is said about Sora other than that he is a 19 year old man with much love for curry.

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She is one of the Oc I have drawn the most. (because it's easy to draw and cute~) She is very suitable for Suguri or Sora.(-w-)👍

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通称 通称逆か🤣



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Late 2021 Mirror Sora vs. Early-Mid 2022 Mirror Sora.

I'm happy with the direction my art is going. Still haven't figured out what my ideal shading style would be though, hence why the newer piece is just lines and colours.

I should work on that.

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Segundo o Deadline, algumas séries da DC/CW (como e correm o risco de não serem renovadas pela emissora.

O site diz que a CW está atualmente com muitas produções da DC em sua grade, e estaria considerando cancelar algumas delas.

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I’m on the major hype. Felt the need to draw Sora.

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La operación Camiseta fue… un desastre :(
Fueron 2 intentos fallidos en 2 meses; el primero por problemas (horribles) de color y el segundo por eso mismo JUNTO a problemas de la impresora.

No quería mostrar el dibujo terminado hasta tener la camisa pero pues…

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