Raptor gigante das neves.

Um dromaeossaurídeo que deselvonveu um plano corpóreo semelhante aos tyrannossaurídeos.

um exercício de evolução especulativa.

5 27

Wip of some proto-dragons. Essentially a hupesuchus like reptile evolves for a more arboreal life style resulting in chameleon like split paws. More aerodynamic forms evolve from tree jumping species

2 7

Children of an intelligent alien species stoning wild animal

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Water Drake. Thing. IDK. I jsut wanted to make a water animal. Land Shark? No idea.

12 40

I've been inspired by and to do a world about evolution of humans. All animals go extinct and mind wiped, mutant humans are all that's left to evolve into all niches. Here is how they evolve into embryo krill😊

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Cicadas and 'Mind Control' Fungi by D. Seifert
"#Magicicada magna & M. octo are based on my research of the 13- & 17-year periodical cicadas + the parasitic behavior-altering fungi cicadina"
The Exhibition https://t.co/K7jEPhsvti

2 9

Insect wyvern . Speculative invertebrate shaped like a dragon that has four wing like structures evolved for flight

2 9

some sketches for Futuroza.
Kelp field and small tentaclorhynchus with prey in tentacles.

3 15

Gastrópodes terrestres gigantes

1 3

Commission of a speculative descendant of dinosaurs like Polacanthus, but with four facial horns and a bayonet-like spike on the tail.

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Moving from the rough concepts and thumbnails I start sculpting the creatures and plants in The models are posed and arranged in the scene.

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Phtanum B - The Giant Ptyonocodite! The very animal design that would give rise to the project that it is now in, and the very first canonized phtanumbian critter.

5 32