Good afternoon Milady, Happy Friday xxx

Morning has broken like the first morning
Blackbird has spoken like the first bird
Praise for the singing, praise for the morning
Praise for them springing fresh from the world

Cat Stevens aka

Luis Romero

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"The Spirit of Resilience" exhibition on the Manhattan Arts International website features art by artist members. Here is art by 7 of them. We hope it lifts your spirits. The word resilience comes from the Latin word “resalire” which means springing back.

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"The Spirit of Resilience" exhibition on the Manhattan Arts International website features art and statements by 20 artist members. The word resilience originally comes from the Latin word “resalire” which means springing back. We hope it inspires you.

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my second long awaited commission by
of my dnd OC; Kindle. Not only is it a lovely action-pose,springing for the extra character option to fit in the wildfire spirit truly makes the shot gorgeous on a new level.I can hardly express how pleased I am with this.

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The street punk’s explanation took the form of blood forming on the ground below her, springing up and solidifying into an imprisoning spike that, if caught within, would impale and crush her painfully. If that worked, he’d then have the spike lift off the ground and rocket off->

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At Evensong, the 1922 office lectionary provides a second lesson particularly appropriate for the Baptism of Our Lord, John 4: "the water that I shall give ... shall be ... a well of water springing up into everlasting life".

(Icon by Sylwia Perczak.)

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Me: draws a pretty awesome Jonas springing to action.

Also me: hehe, he's running at ramming speed

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At the aptly-named 'Watching Place' near North Bovey on Dartmoor, highwayman John Fall spied upon wealthy travellers on the road between Tavistock and Exeter.

Springing out, with pistols raised, he would soon relieve them of anything worth stealing.

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INTO THE SARAH-VERSE: Sarah springing her way into the multiverse of dance taking on the form of Spider-Gwen, the dancing spider herself!
Artwork by

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*comical springing noise because the titty is free*
Anyways if you want a commission like this please consider looking at my order form

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Liu Qi and team are springing into action today! Looks like the kids might get their brushes back!

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thinking about blue j as the ranger in the spring

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Yes, that's right. I haven't drawn for four months and now I'm SPRINGING a hare dressed as Aragron at you.

Reference photos with kind permission from . (His weren't dressed quite as nicely though, and not as heavily armed.)

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A, well, I wouldn't exactly call it -quick-, but a gift I put together today for the sake of 's birthday of the whoooole dang Noor crew springing into action!

Separate characters will be posted as a reply.

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[Aug. 15, 1966] A real Hullabaloo! Impromptu clubs are springing up all over the country licensing the old show's name: a buck gets you in, and two bits gets you a soda. A way to keep kids busy!

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