Also, to pay my furry tax for the months I've been gone, here's an amazing piece I got from of my girl spending a little time in Thedas...

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Aesthetic pictures from the Thedas SMP (1/?)

0 14

а у вас арт прошлогодний!!

2 5

When Thedas can’t last one second without self-destructing

0 0

Happy ~

Everytime i replay the game, i always felt like i'm coming to my second home in Thedas🥺✨

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Happy to the game that impacted me the most. This game genuinely helped me get through my teen years and kept me going to this day. It’s my favorite game series and it’s near and dear to my heart.
And I can’t wait to save Thedas again.

12 66

I haven't done much art for it over the past year, but is a good time to just remember the fond memories I have of the series after nearly 11 years. I am looking forward to getting to return to Thedas in DA4 for sure. :)

85 459

Dragon Age! From the first moment I entered Thedas, I was captivated! Thank you to everyone responsible for bringing the DA series to Life. These escapes into the Realm of Fantasy are more important to me than I can express.🐉🙏🏼🐉

4 52

It has been a year since I finally decided to play Dragon Age Inquisition. Thedas has rewarded me with so much inspiration and entertainment I want to celebrate with everyone.
Couldn't finish the piece I wanted to post today, so here are some WIPs

16 101

B\W modern Cullen for practice✨

I'm thinking of making a fake magazine cover like "Men of Thedas" or smth, and starting a series of such art with other characters in modern!AU, but I'm not sure about that yet~

5 53

today's warmup is my continued adventures in finding historical costume parallels for thedas fashion so here is imira in a borrowed orlesian dress for vivienne's soirée

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Coloring Thedas in numbers! Thank you for the support so far! ❤️❤️

7 21

Как не поучаствовать в таком крутецком челлендже??
Как это взять и не нарисовать себя и своё солнышко???

1 24

Спасибо тебе за движ, человечище!
В мире DA я хотела бы быть героем Тедаса, но была бы дедом, периодически подкатывающим к молодежи😅

1 18

Смотрю, а мои любимые художники рисуют какие-то крутые штуки по драгонаге
Оказывается, запустила оч крутой тренд 🥺
Я 100 проц был бы тем магом, который сбежал из башни в Инквизицию и отравлял жизнь храмовникам

2 18

Долетел до меня ворон, что у челлендж. Что же, рыжих у меня как раз мало. :D

5 74

наконец то тяжёлая броня и меч женское счастье пришло спасибо

2 19