Austin Reed est 1900 went in ladies wear Did fab inspired coats suited city girl, Sloane Ranger, cold day Kempton to see Desert Orchid, afternoon hanging round King's Rd with rockabilly crowd. Still look magnificent: made to last

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Some of the new in stock items on my website; all these so beautiful.... from the late early c 1950, and this quirky & chic country lady meets vintage pin up Harris & tartan wiggle suit from more recently.

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Excuse me it so exquisite deserved effort.Reluctant sell. Need lottery win so can keep! Most amazing ever internal structure wow. Could be any era 20th C classic iconic but Bruce Oldfield
What 5 & 3 referenced?

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I decided to make a OC based on 1900's era. This is Jessie Raymon Lewis a normal toy factory worker during the day and at night he's ✨Jessica Divine✨ A drag queen preforming in underground clubs.

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Today's been about practice art but this was actually a serious piece. Check the attached comment for more information.

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1918, House dresses (also called “porch dresses”) from Sears.

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Happy new year everyone! I just realised I forgot to post this last month so let this be my first post of 2021

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My entry for ' This is so much fun to make! I'm in love with this 😍😍😍

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Flapper etchings recall WWI fighter pilot who became a major figure in Art Deco art and fashion, auction 8 October:

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i'm really deciding the fashion era of Hail the Traitor. and i really liked some 40's//50's swimsuits so here is baby Klaus

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