Marc Chagall, Gypsies and a Horse. Costume design for Scene IV for the ballet Aleko, 1942

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Marc Chagall, Peasant. Costume design for Scene III of the ballet Aleko, 1942

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Marc Chagall, A Peasant. Costume design for Scene III of the ballet Aleko, 1942

1 13

Marc Chagall, A Russian Baba and a Cow. Costume design for Scene IV of the ballet Aleko, 1942

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Marc Chagall, A Cat. Costume design for Scene IV of the ballet Aleko, 1942

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Marc Chagall, Aleko. Costume design for the ballet Aleko, 1942

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Marc Chagall, Bat. Costume design for Scene IV of the ballet Aleko, 1942

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Marc Chagall, The Gypsy Lover. Costume design for Scene I of the ballet Aleko, 1942

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Marc Chagall, Two Fish and a Veteran. Costume design for Scene IV of the ballet Aleko, 1942

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Marc Chagall, Peasant. Costume design for Scene III from the ballet Aleko, 1942

6 13

Some custom designs for Tihl and ShayAlekos! Thank you for working with me <3

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Marc Chagall, A Fox. Costume design for Scene IV of the ballet Aleko, 1942

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Marc Chagall, The Carnival. Study for backdrop for Scene II of the ballet Aleko, 1942

8 27

Have my demigod and Kahuna Maleko, my orc Yasakl, my Witch boy Ligas, and finally, my demon, Braxixan~

1 10

Argia aldizkariaren Larrun gehigarri berrirako egin dudan zaleko marrazkia duzue hemen. Emakume meatzariak Bilbo ezkerraldean, -ren erreportaje benetan interesgarria! ❤️

7 36

Merci Monsieur Chagall pour ce rayon de soleil.
Projet de rideau de scène pour le ballet "Aleko" de 1942.

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The Carnival. Study for backdrop for Scene II of the ballet Aleko, Marc Chagall, 1942

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A Peasant. Costume design for Scene III of the ballet Aleko, Marc Chagall, 1942

3 12