- 2 - Whiplash

Rex is all dressed up as whiplash and looking for his bird. Seeing as I did Iron Man yesterday I thought an iron man bad guy would be a good one for today!

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So this year I'm going to try something different. I'm going to try a daily post, rex is going to be dressing up as something everyday with a theme every month!
I'm calling it

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I’ve decided to do OC-tober... in the wrong month. 🤣
I’ll be using these prompts as exercises...for secret reasons. 😏

Stay tuned to learn more about Twinkle, his story, and his world! ✨

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Thanks for the art share! I’m Maya AKA AmberFall and I’m a webtoon creator. For fan art, OCs, and a mix of both, check out my Instagram AmberFallComics ~ and stay tuned for info about my upcoming webtoon, Where the Moss Points.

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no. 10 Hope

It only takes a seed of hope to grow ond flourish into a giant tree! Never give up on hope.

I dont know if that makes sense but it felt deep and meaningful!

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