La Tierra Media está repleta de personajes interesantes. Hoy vamos a conocer un poco mejor al capitán de la Guardia de Gondor, Faramir

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La compañía de Faramir atacada por los Nazgûl, por una artista rusa conocida como Velamir

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a chance for Faramir, captain of Gondor, to show his quality

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eowyn & faramir for --man one day i' these books and get through them TT oTT i loved eowyn in the movies

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"—¡Ay de nosotros, si llega a morir! ¡Ojalá hubiera en Gondor reyes como los de
antaño, según cuentan! Porque dice la tradición: Las manos del rey son manos que curan. Así el legítimo rey podría ser reconocido." (ilustración “Aragorn cura a Faramir”, de Anke Katrin Eißmann)

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Hoy en la Tierra Media: 8 de marzo (Faramir deja que Frodo, Sam y Gollum continúen su viaje. La Compañía Gris entra en los Senderos de los Muertos y llega a la Piedra de Erech. Ilust. de Abe Papakhian)

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I drew my new Faramir. Hes si damn pretty. Design and last art by Griffsnuff

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Saw this and immediately thought of my son 😂 Faramir would wear anything if he thought it'd make him look hot

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“I will be a Shieldmaiden no longer, nor vie with the great Riders, nor take joy only in the songs of slaying. I will be a healer, and love all things that grow and are not barren.”

Éowyn & edit:

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Joan Wyatt's A Middle-earth Album (1979) offers up another of its strangely compelling images tonight - The Forbidden Pool. The topography of the landscape is odd here, but I still love the tiny hunched shape of Gollum perched on his rock.
Jackson's Faramir anybody?

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I drew this awhile ago but heck it. Here is Boromir with Faramir and Eowyn

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No really! How in the world can someone be persuaded to desire mercy for a stinking, skulking, thieving, traitorous, backstabbing, baby-eating monster Gollum? It's a mystery to me. But Tolkien has Bilbo, Aragorn, Gandalf, Sam, and Faramir all demonstrate that. Astonishing! /5

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Finished commission of Faramir.

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