سرطان الثدي هو السرطان الأول عند النساء عالمياً بنسبة 25%، و هذه النسبة في تزايد مستمر.
سرطان الثدي في المملكة أكثر شيوعاً بين السيدات بعمر 40 عاماً فما فوق.
عند الكشف المبكر يصبح علاج سرطان الثدي أسهل و أسرع.
نتمنى للجميع حياة ملؤها الصحة و العافية!

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Outside of this is for (missed last year) done on on with pencil and jeans

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Novak Batik for Naelofar’s Breast Cancer Awareness Campaign.

Thank you so much 🌹

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Today is the International Day against breast cancer / Hoy es el día internacional contra el cáncer de mama

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Day 15, 16, 17 prompts: “Pet”, “Karma”, “Paint” combo “Naughty Painting Pup Gets A Bath”

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Posting nipples on main because its and you should go check your chest!!

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It is and there are a lot of things cis-centric awareness campaigns tend to leave out or misrepresent.

As a young nonbinary breast cancer patient, here are some of the things I want more folks to be aware of. (1/2)

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1 in 8 women will be diagnosed breast cancer in their lifetime.
Free the tatas chale. Get yourselves checked every year.

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I used the same color palette for both paintings so that I could see the difference between the two natural compounds I added to the paints.

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Watch this space for news about the launch of my videos on YouTube. To make sure you don't miss out, subscribe to my YouTube channel today and get notified when I upload new videos. Go to https://t.co/3UJlcp5mNi

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October is the AKA I had to do a little something because my mother had breast cancer last year. It was hard, but could have been worse, because she was tested on time!

Get tested for it could save your life!

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