and my blue illustrations💙

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>Español abajo<

Today is BLUE MONDAY, it is considered the most blue/sad day of the year. But Richie doesn't want you to be sad so she.... Tried to cook you your favorite food for you, TELL US WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE FOOD OF ALL TIME!!

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Get lost
It’s time…

F = Flamingo Frying Sausages

we salute you!

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You can’t get me Blue Monday. I’ve had a lifetime of training 😂🔷🔵🟦💙

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is it today? Haven't noticed...
Hope you like this 'Blue girl in Blue latex'. 💙📸

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Aujourd'hui, c'est le Blue Monday, le jour le plus déprimant de l'année 😓

Pour se remonter le moral, quel est l'anime le plus joyeux que vous connaissez ?

Pour nous, c'est Nichijou: My Ordinary Life 😍

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Nouveauté pour fêter le Nouvel An Chinois et tout décorer en rouge et or !
✨A imprimer ici - Instant Download >>

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Today is the most depressing day of the year, but no depression here! Let's face it by sharing blue art...Here are some of my favorite blue illustrations!

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Blue monday? This comic Is blue all the days of the week and It's free to read 🌊 love blue? Mermaids? Sassy ladies? Give It a try!


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J'aime pô le lundi...c'est déprimant

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January 16, 2023 is Whether you are feeling broken or blue, it’s okay to not feel okay! Today and every day, be kind to yourself and others. Please ask for help!💙

📲 is available 24 hrs/day for ages 5-29. Call 1-800-668-6868 or text CONNECT to 686868

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Du bleu aujourd'hui pour ce Blue Monday ! 💙De quoi se couvrir et s'occuper avec un livre et des coloriages 💙🌨️❄️🎁 ✨Bon Shopping !

✨-50% >>

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