Here is my first entry for Godiva_Ghoul's Demontober, Demon of blood!
The first one is a "censored version, swipe for non censored version!

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Demontober Day 2: Malina, Helltaker

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Yesterday I decided to do something for Inktober... but, well..
I don't like Inktober that much, so I created my OWN inktober: Intertober.

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day 1 day 2
lucifer and belphegor

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my Demontober for today, definitely not the first one I've drawn haha (yesterday was kinda a daze I forgot it's october whatever I'll draw it at some point later)

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I’m back from my month of solitude but don’t worry it was a productive month of solitude here’s day one of inktober

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I'm gonna mix things a Little bit

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"POV: You're feeding pancakes to Beelzebub"

Abysstaker's date with Beelzebub.

It's Demontober! Enjoy our favourite fly demon!

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day 1 had this one in the backlog, but give me a break I just found out about this. I'll catch up by tonight.

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le jour 4 m'inspirait pas trop mais il m'a au moins permis de tester mon encre dorée ;3 au passage j'ai perdu le dessin du jour 5 :/

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hehe xd lets say these is my halloweenn draw
i know i know is just 1 of oct but due to my studies i dont know if i would have the possibility so i prefer to due before than never
i dont really know why but latly i have the idea to draw femenine bodies, mmm o3o

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