ToR:LoK - Chapter 2 : Page 99
The dust settles after the explosion and the Goblin King is blown back. Shook after seeing his army blown to bits he commands his avatar to return to him.

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グラデーションの部分にぼかしを入れて, さらに色味調整と細部の描き込み。水よりだいぶやりやすい(笑)

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色味の調整と, 少し細かい部分の陰影。あと, シールド部分もスタート。

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全体の球形の感じを掴んでからの, 大まかな凹凸に合わせた立体感を加える作業。

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(contact via DM)
RT's and likes are very appreciated!

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Hoy es mi cumple ª

(Aprovecho para agradecer por el apoyo recibido en los últimos dibujos, de verdad me anima bastante a continuar dibujando cositas <3)

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This art is a gift for my sister that had to do with a guy she likes mixed with pokemon. The pokemon on his shoulder is original and cute at least. What did you think?

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