Mutualkuu mau nanya dong aku abis buat WM baru, bagusan yang kanan apa kiri?
*kanan (ttd aku)
*By D ( by Dinda)

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hi! aku dinda. aku suka bikin fanart, belakangan aku lagi belajar oil pastels dan nyoba style baru 😁 umm aku 18 tahun dan baru lulus SMA. jujur aku lebih suka gambar tradi ketimbang digi hehe. oiya ku suka makan kacang, alpukat, pisang, makanan manis dan pedes


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nyoba ngikutin live nya kak dinda di insta. rame juga ya ternyata hihi

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joining the !! hi there my name is adinda and I'm a storyboard artist, when I'm not at work sometimes i draw my ocs and other times i draw fanarts also i kinda like to change my drawing style a lot ehe 🌸🌸

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:blunt worldbuilding info: My main character is a Udindae. They have horse hair over most they body. Sometimes when they have babies tho, they look like this. Coat/body mutations. It's super rare and people pay top dollar to have them work places.

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I already uploaded this to my insta but why not? :3
Btw, this is my aph hetalia Indonesia :D her name is Adinda Ayunita D.

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A redraw of another clothing piece !! This time featuring my ocs, Dinda and Nanda 🌺 I haven't thought of a name for the boy, so if y'all got any feel free to share'em ✌️

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mouse mouse drawn w a mouse for @/DaysthatenDindaY KeK

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karyaku! pertama kali gambar wajah, ngikutin step by step nya dindaps. mo nangis susah bgt 😂 drop link ig dong pgn liat gambar2 kalian 🥺

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Odin and (a widdle baby) Ophelia!
A sweet, magic-using father and daughter duo I care very dearly about ;___; this is my piece for ' Kith and Kin, focused on the concept of families in Fire Emblem!

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Kamu mau pengen jadi penulis buku anak? Ingin menulis cerita yang bisa yang bagus buat si kecil? Tim Bumilangit KIDS, , Luii dan Dinda yg akan berbagi tips-tips pembuatan cerita anak!

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Mlu bgt👉👈 sisa nya ada di ig @/adindaaurel__ silakan mampir👉👈

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Hello !
I'm Adinda, I enjoy drawing girls, fashion and fanarts. Currently I'm open for comission. It'll be lovely if you can support me
You can see my artworks here

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huehuehue. Возможно в ближайшее время я вернусь с постоянным потоком новых работ. Молитес за меня

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1,5 years apart, guess I finally sort of learned how Danse's face works 😅

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So yeah it was Minutemen Danse day on tumblr today, and you know I could not miss it🤷🏽‍♀️

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Really want to get back to animating this grumpy steel tin man😌 Hoping to have some extra time this weekend!

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