Some more caricatures for the Domestika character design course I'm slowly making my way through.

I guess I'm making up for not drawing necks at all half the time with some of these 🤷‍♂️

0 3

  31 days drawing challenge
  26 /31 "Extinct"
  3 patterns

Day 26テーマ "絶滅"

1 24

¡La magia de Halloween ya está aquí!
El diseñador de personajes y profesor de Domestika comparte algunos personajes fantásticos con su propio estilo. ¡Disfrútalos!

0 6

  31 days drawing challenge
  24 /31 "Kimono"
  3 patterns


1 22

Hoy uno de los grandes exponentes e ícono del rock argentino 🇦🇷, cumple años.

Y los profesionales creativos de Domestika lo celebran con una muestra de su talento.

Ilustraciones de

8 74

  31 days drawing challenge
  22 /31 "Wolf"
  3 patterns

Day 21テーマ "狼"


1 13

  31 days drawing challenge
  20 /31 "knot"
  2 patterns

Day 20 テーマ

0 14

  31 days drawing challenge
  19 /31 "Castle"
  3 patterns

Day 19テーマ "城"

5 41

  31 days drawing challenge
  18 /31 "Slither"
  3 patterns


2 22

  31 days drawing challenge
  17 /31 "Tattoo"


1 25

  31 days drawing challenge
  15 /31 "Mural"
  2 patterns

テーマ "壁画"


4 35

Been taking some Domestika classes whenever I have the time - this was my final project for Weberson Santiago's Graphic Illustration course (+ variations)

0 2

  31 days drawing challenge
  13 /31 "Camera"
  2 patterns


2 30

"Personal works I" es el nuevo proyecto del ilustrador brasileño Pedro Correa. ¡Espera su curso!

2 3

  31 days drawing challenge
  11 /31 "Sword"
  2 patterns


4 18

Day 9 -

How I imagined felt like when she heard travel is allowed again and we can go back kampung. 😆

4 12

Day 09 - Travel

Bali is one of the destinations that must be visited when you travel. However, due to the current pandemic, Bali has become quiet. Everything changed. I hope the world recovers soon, and we can all travel to Bali.

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