Prompt: Olive. Did you know that the olive is a fruit, not a vegetable? Da Vinci Gouache in a Beige Toned Hahnemühle Watercolour sketchbook. ühle_USA

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Prompt: Pearl. Did you know that pearl oysters are born male and become female at around three years of age. Neat trick. Done on Peach paper in a Hahnemühle 1584 notebook. ühle_USA

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prompt:Honey. Did you know that the honey badger has been known to attack lions? ühle_USA

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Day 30: +Victoria
And this is the last one! It was a fun little self-imposed challenge.
Anyway, Victoria knows how to have a good time, and I think she'd be a great drinking buddy for Trevor.

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Day 28:
+ + + Grimmi Ghita

Very messy, but I'm quite happy with it all the same.
I love Grillby. I'd think that after being stuck underground for so long, he would appreciate the night sky. Grimmi is a human he met.

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Day 25:

Basil, the emo avant-garde fashion enthusiast, being dragged around by Han Solo and breaking through glass for some reason.
He needs help.

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Day 22:
+ + + Phil
idk how these two ended up in this situation, they're just eating pizza and chilling.

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Day 21:
+ + Melinda

Melinda has a little bracelet of pandora charms, each representing somebody important in her life.
Lithuania is sweetest bean, I will die for this character.

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