There is some truly incredible work coming out of ._mcfaden_ (on IG) classroom like this self portrait from 12th grader Colleen!

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Day 211 - St Bees beach on the west coast of Cumbria.

The red Permo-triassic sandstone is about 200 million years old (known more commonly as St. Bees Red Sandstone) It’s used for buildings, paths and walls and frequently seen around the local area.


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Day 208 - Wasdale screes.

Watercolour sketch.

I’ve put my glasses somewhere so forgive me it’s a bit fuzzy! Enjoying painting in new locations this week.

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Day 198 - La fenêtre ouverte (The Open Window) - after Vuillard, Matisse and Bonnard who all loved an open window painting. 🖼

Watercolour and pen sketch.

Another page ✅

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Da ich am Anfang gar nicht wusste was ich so zeichnen soll hab ich mal in die Runde gefragt und es wurde sich Sonic gewünscht.

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Day 193 - The Victorian lean-to greenhouse, Audley End kitchen garden. 🪴

Watercolour and pen.

Seriously tempted not to bother tonight as feeling v hot and grumpy. BUT it did me good to push through. Another double page ✅

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