Some empathy. - Jimmy and the Pulsating Mass (2018)

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Oh so uhhh I've recently finished a long-ass fanfic thing.

It's a sequel to a Madoka Magica quest I did five years ago.

It's called "Easy To Find", it's extremely queer, and it's all about evil systems and the power of empathy.

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Why read books? Because BOOKS open doors into other worlds, and other people's experiences of the world. They help us to see beyond our own point of view. And that is the basis of empathy.

(Art: Mariusz Stawarski

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Empathy... Letting one speak and hearing the echo of another within yourself, withholding judgment. To step outside what you know and believe and truly see with the eyes of another. The greatest knowledge on earth to…

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It's Empathy is our ability to understand others & feel their emotions, and it's never been more important for us to have empathy for each other. One of the best ways to do this is to Which are your favourite books for empathy? Here's some of ours!

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It’s and it really couldn’t be coming at a better time. I’ve always advocated the power of children’s books in developing empathy. Here are just a few of my personal favourites that I feel do just that.

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It’s We are not born with a finite amount of empathy. The more we read the more we gain. So keep reading and give children books that expand their knowledge about the world and its injustices. In light of recent events, we have never needed change more.

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Tomorrow is - the perfect day to find and start an empathy-boosting book Train your brain with stories.

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Children are most impressionable in their first five years. The characters they see and the stories they hear matter.

All children should see themselves and others represented and valued.

Early experiences last, and should sow the seeds for a life of kindness and empathy.

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Illustrations in picture books are great empathy tools. Everyday in the countdown to is launching a new illustration on the theme of Today’s illustrator is the wonderful Sarah Horne. For more, check out

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Saori has low empathy. She was a cruel brat when she was little and clearly struggles to being kind at the start of the anime. I like that about her because it's one thing to be naturally a good person, and other deciding to become a good person and put effort into it.

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Plagueis: “And of what possible use do you think a person of your nature would be to the Jedi Order? You’re heartless, ambitious, arrogant, insidious, and without shame or empathy. More, you’re a murderer.” (1/2)

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this is Laura

She carries her cross and holds the past tight. Because if you throw the cross along the road, then not only the heaviness and pain will disappear, but also someone else’s empathy.

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In any other comic, this facial expression would be a visual hint that a character is a villain or a psychopath.

You don't do heavy dark, sharp grins unless you mean to communicate that the character is somehow evil or lacks empathy.

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After Taylor's amazing creation is unexpectedly ruined, a number of animals offer help, each one leaving again when their ideas aren't listened to. Only the rabbit knows what to do, only the rabbit shows real empathy. A delightful, powerful book by

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STIG & TILDE: LEADER OF THE PACK - I look at the new book from here today at : "perfectly captures the pure essence of our formative teenage years with wit and empathy."

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One attribute that makes Nightcrawler distinctive is his emotional intelligence and empathy. This is established very early in the run. IN UXM 98 he checks in on Cyclops for overworking. In 99 he checks in on Colossus after noticing his anxiety about space travel. 1/3

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Day 24. Love.
Love is the purest and greatest feeling, along with gratitude and empathy. Love is a wonderful gift of the universe.
I was inspired by Russian fairy tales, so I portrayed Connor and RK900 in such an unusual way.

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Lepage fought in the Franco-Prussian War (1870) & was wounded. He returned to his parents home & painted his grandfather which he would exhibit in the Salon & bring him recognition. It is a startling example of realism & empathy.

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