Deer winter is coming..*^*another lunchbreak env.concept!^_^so relaxing!

2 6

new project by looks AMAZING perfect env for immersive nonlinear narrative

13 22

ICYMI, beautiful Kickstarter update featuring 's env work!

13 16

Basically like manual raytracing cubemaps. A random photo as env. map could be useful for imagination stuff

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I suck at interesting perspectives for env.concepts, so here is how I usually work!

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Been brainstorming for env.variations for a concept of an altar in the catacombs

9 10

some friday stuff! env.conc for our horror/stealth game

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Small amount of sci dissent can have big impact on public support for env policy. On

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☆ Envío por correo con sobre personalizado ☆

★ Gsts env. únicamente de 1€
¡Se agradece RT! ♡

56 10

¡Gsts env. GRATIS en chapas y pegatinas!(Solo hasta mañana)
Un RT me ayudaría mucho, ¡quizás le interese a alguien!

45 10

An env for Sir. Vivealot. A survival game that im working on. Lets see how this looks in

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Más diseños:
Voy a hacer pegatinas con este diseño, ¿Quieres una? 0'5€ cada una +1€ Gtos. env

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