画質 高画質

one of my favorite things as of recent is creating random animations for our cozy corgi game that may or may not be used! loll


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Get creative this Easter with Puzzle Box Maker! 🐰🎨 Create your own amazing pixel art and share it with the world.

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今日もExpression Menuについて学びました。

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First concepts.
I didn’t have any experience in game concept art, so I just started drawing something crazy 😏

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Started texture work on the shotgun. Looks very Trying out this method of deconstructing the model for texturing so that it doesn't bake ambient occlusion data on moving parts.

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Yeeehaw! Johnson is looking particularly goofy in his unlockable Giddy-Up Costume.

It's a little difficult to look cool when you're dressed like this, but Johnson will certainly try.

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