Here are the independent elements for your enjoyment...

24 99

Had to wake up early to finish this up, but here's another Big Bumi pic for y'all! Looks like he's got a custom fit uniform for the United Forces... since his old one no longer fits.

36 194

Even after two Big Bumi images, I still wanna explore this a little more. Perhaps another pic is in order?

25 142

Had some big Bumi on my mind all day, so I decided to draw it out tonight!

27 135

Since y'all seem to like my werewolf boy, share some headcanons you might have about Jindo!

21 96


Remember how I said Jindo is embarrassed about his belly showing? Well, gets anime-tsundere about it!

Also, this is for you !

17 93

I revived him because I wanted to use him for a story. Mainly, one where he has lycanthropy. In other words, he's a werewolf...

12 56

I love how I said I wanted to spend the Christmas month with Makigumo, but I ended up using it to explore my newborn child, Wildberry...

8 32

*BOING* *glob wob*

"I see you've been eating well, Professor Makigumo..."

17 75

Ya know, we haven't seen Kodai in a while. Wonder he's...


"Ugh... I don't think I can move anymore..."

Oh. Okay... Nothing to see here...

8 61

"Hrrrmph... Mrrrmph... Someone order me 10 more of these..."

11 57

Looks like Bumi's got a lot of work to do to get rid of all that Christmas weight! And Thanksgiving weight. And Halloween weight. And eventually New Year--

27 134

Looks like Prof. Makigumo is snacking on some milk and cookies for Christmas! Let's hope he saves some for Santa tonight...

Merry Christmas, y'all!

17 70

Since it's almost Christmas, which of these hefty older gentlemen would make the better Santa Claus?

8 43

"Damn, these physical don't get easier to deal with. I just hope I don't go berserk again..."

Some shirtless Wildberry for those who were waiting for this sort of thing...

22 92

"Hey, I ain't got a lot of options for casual clothes. Besides, everybody knows who I am anyway. Plus, sweatpants are pretty comfy these days..."

5 31