Mae rhannu llyfrau’n hwyl i’r teulu cyfan! Bydd eich plantos yn dwlu cael rhieni, nain, taid, brodyr a chwiorydd yn darllen iddyn nhw, does dim ots pwy! Beth am gael sgwrs fideo yn darllen stori?

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😋🥴😆 ag ofni tynnu wynebau wrth rigymu. Gall rhigymau a chaneuon gyflwyno ymadroddion newydd i blant. Gall rhannu rhigymau a chaneuon dro ar ôl tro helpu plant i feistroli'r iaith y byddan nhw'n eu clywed – yn Gymraeg a Saesneg.

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Estudio de expresiones con referente (channusero en mi caso) terminado.

Mi precioso Alex poniendo caretos, sí

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Dyma 'La Parisienne', 'Conversation' a' Young girl in blue' gan Pierre-Auguste Renoir o'n casgliad. I ddathlu pen-blwydd Renoir ddoe beth am roi cynnig ar ein her ffotograffiaeth ac ail-greu eich ffefryn. Peidiwch ag anghofio rhannu eich creadigaethau gyda ni!

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Mae odli a rhigymu’n hwyl i’r teulu cyfan! Peidiwch ag anghofio fod llwyth o rigymau I bawb! Os oes gennych blentyn 0-3 oed, mae gennym rigymau gwych y gallwch eu rhannu.

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Hannu from A Redtail's Dream!! tbh that entire webcomic is a comfort story for me 🥺

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Mae rhigymau’n grêt gan eich bod chi’n gallu eu rhannu nhw yn unrhyw le. Yn edrych am rigwm newydd i’w rannu heddiw? Mae gennon ni rigymau Cymraeg a Saesneg ichi yma:

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Looking forward to having a play on the new game Neadeital by . It received a glowing review in the latest & was the subject of the cover illustration. I loved Tir Na Nog & Dun Darach by Gargoyle Games & this appears to be a worthy addition

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Secret santa for a friend of mine! He's jewish and proud of his top surgery scars so I figured I'd make them into a big ol menorah :3c
(I did show him this on the last day of hannukkah lol dw)

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I wish you all a Merry Christmas, a Happy Hannukkah and Happy Holidays!
It's pretty soon maybe but still lol-
May you spend this Christmas with your dear ones either physically or virtually and in complete safety🙏

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Finnish illustrator Pauliina Hannuniemi

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Hi I’m Ali and I’m a sapphic jewish artist !! I hope any other Jewish ppl who look through this tag had a happy hannukah !!
this is some drawings I did I personally like still,,,, my art styles rly inconsistent

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I don’t celebrate Hanukkah, but I still wanted to draw something for those who do.  

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Happy Hannukah! Here's a small collection of coats of arms using a Menorah as a charge.

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“Dreidel dreidel dreidel, I made you out of clay...”
God I nearly forgot it was Hannukkah right now.
Even though I don’t celebrate Hannukkah, I still want to let Mikey celebrate it right outta the CarVerse!
It started just today and who’s ready to spin the dreidel?

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i know you still have to convert, but happy hannukah

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