片山生誕祭「ミレニアムプレミアム スーパーホッティングナイツ」

ナカシマユタカ(BAND SET)
Z clear


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㊗️ 片 山 生 誕 祭 ㊗️

●6月21日(日) 広島セカンドクラッチ
『ミレニアムプレミアム スーパーホッティングナイツ』

☝️出演 : ナカシマユタカ(BAND SET) / HENNESSY / Z clear / Tom・マツバラ / LOVE YOU ONLY-HIROSHIMA / 片山おたおめセッション


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The Amazing Spider-Man (2018)
Norman and Harry Osborn deal with their their past. Writer Nick Spencer, Penciler Mark Bagley, Inkers Andrew Hennessy & John Dell, Colorists Rachelle Rosenberg & Edgar Delgado: I like the intent of Last Remains, more than the execution. 3/5

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Länge härskade kung Greg över öns alla städer och träsk, rättvist och våldsamt.

Men nyligen har en elak liten häxa slagit sig ner i Londums högsta torn, och ingen verkar kunna handskas med hennes tjuvknep. Ett bortglömt rike växer fram ur skuggan...

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I had the opportunity to pitch my animated short ‘Enzo’ for the Big Pitcher at last night. Congrats to the winner Kirsten Hennessy! Thank you for the opportunity!

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I'm delighted to hear that a biography is underway of another extraordinary post-war life; James Pope-Hennessey - murdered at the age of 57 in 1974.
Portrait here by Lucian Freud.

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New artwork for sale! - "C.C. HENNESSY Singer CD Cover" - https://t.co/tW74TYOzRC

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11 hennessey venom gt draw carstoon concept Canvas Print - https://t.co/NmH1L9lHSy

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Artlocke 07: First Death. Lost our Nickit, Hennessy, to a circle throw from a pancham.

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Hilary Hennes (née Miller) 1919 - 1993 b. London, artist & teacher, trained at Blackheath School of Art & The Royal College of Art. Best known for her evocative scenes of post war London & book illustrations, she exhibited frequently at the Royal Academy from the 1940s onwards.

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The Amazing Spider-man
Art Andrew Hennessy

What can I say about this run that I haven't already in the past 60 issues?
How about how CONSISTENTLY good it's been? There's hasn't been a miss yet!

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ホラー映画かサスペンス映画のエンディングでHENNESSYの曲が採用される、という夢が俺の妄想の中で叶った。 映画のタイトルは『反撃前夜』。 前半は復讐劇、後半は復讐に至るまでのヒロインの複雑な心情の変化を描いた内容で、時系列が逆のパターン。 純粋なヒロインが心を無くし、復讐に至るまでの→

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jordan “jordan” hennessy and jordan “hennessy” hennessy!!! counting these two as one even though they’re Not because i do what i want!!! obsessed with these sexy nightmare queens

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Michelle Cusseaux ble skutt og drept av politiet mens hun hadde et mentalt sammenbrudd. Politiet kom til hjemmet hennes for å bistå, og skjøt henne da hun kom mot dem med en hammer.

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Just around the corner from our place! It reminds us of this cute little detail from the painting Cork's Northside by Patrick Hennessy. It probably dates to the 1940s.

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12 hennessey venom gt draw carstoon concept Canvas Print - https://t.co/HmWXH7Jg0E

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