Happy Halloween! 🦇 thank you all so much for the likes and support, it really cheered me on through Inktober! 💪✍🎃

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the final entry, Ripe! Love the colors of shiny Tsareena. Now, onto NaNoWriMo, haha 🌸🥭

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10/31, ripe and ready to return to color dailies

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Día 31: Jigen

Ya acabó Inktober :')// y lo he terminado todo! Gracias a aquellos que me han seguido durante este mes ^^// 💙
(mañana crearé un momento, recopilando todas las ilustraciones y también un dibujo de Halloween)

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The Hollow Knight themself. 🖤🤍🖤 My motivation to keep going, to get to the end, to save you...

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✦Piece ✪ 31 Ringmaster✦

~Happy Halloween~

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Inktober day 31: Inquisitor Kai and her sister Shae ❤️
Post Trespasser!
Thank you everyone for your support during this whole month! 🥰

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"May I read your fortune?~"🔮

MMMMMMMM- OHHH I'M DONE- LOL. I DID IT- ALL 31 DAYS. *rubs my face* LOL i'm not gonna draw for a week. and than... back to commissions-

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Inktober 2019 Day31 Ripe

Comments and Retweets are ♥
Completed all the Inktobers this year :>
Good job me~

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Happy Halloween / inktober day 31! This concludes my inktober 2019! Today was Shindo Arata again in a wolfie onesie god I love him

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Inktober 29-31!! Injured, Catch and Ripe!
And I am officially done with inktober 2019! For the first time in 3 years I actually completed it!!!

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Inktober 2019: Zombeh Gur

Hoops girl is a zombie. She isn't about all that rotting flesh crap. She has an image to uphold! 🤣

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This is the last day of Inktober, and we have come to the last prompt: "Ripe", featuring a Tropius sharing one of its ripe bananas with an Aipom.

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