«The flower of love and the wind of painful memories»

I think Cecilia's flowers are very special for Xiao because of one flippant bard...

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Today's (yesterday's?) prompt was "Sassy OC," so I drew my flippant, l0li foxgirl miko, Sachiō, though "sassy" is a bit of an understatement. She's smug, arrogant, highly-competitive, brash, quick-tempered, and violent.

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🆕 C'est lundi, prends le temps de découvrir mon avis sur le tome 3 du manga "Pour le pire", chez , j'ai rarement vu un personnage aussi flippant/malsain !
👉 https://t.co/EuYQ79je5Z

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Yuuma Yuuto
10% - extremely curious
10% - looks younger than they are
10% - appears flippant
10% - plays down achievements
10% - has a more serious side
10% - my-pace
10% - genius
10% - bottles up their feelings
10% - good at studies
10% - wants to make others happy

0 1

Faudrait que les auteurs de LN se calment sur leurs fantasme sur les petites soeurs....car çà en deviens flippant avec ce LN

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Estoy shippando mucho ahora mismo con la nueva season de Kimetsu ayudaaaaaaaaaa 🧡🧡

Que me acabé el manga hace ya mucho y se todo lo que pasa? sí 🤓
Que me da igual y quiero que llegue ya el 5 de diciembre? SIIIIII 😭


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[ OC art ]
New OC
The Famous Cartoon Pikachu

2 10

C'est l'automne !
Ce qui veut dire qu'Octobre arrive à grand pas !
Nous allons donc célébrer le plus beau mois de l'année !

Rdv à 21h pour une soirée horrifique !
Venez trembler avec nous sur BLOODWASH, la dernière perle de l'horreur indé !

(Attention, le jeu est flippant !)

3 19

Je suis une habituée de la yandere face faut croire, j’avais prévu ça pour une autre cover il y a un bail par exemple mdr. Mon lore a l’air un peu flippant parfois xD

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Isshuku Ippan 3D models "My favorite character next to Lupin"

"While the manga was still being serialized i decided to cut the character's speaking lines and try using the most minimal mean of expression"
"Using this character, i would like to make a work of silent animation"

48 292

Best folk-horror novel, either The Ritual or The Reddening, both by Adam Nevill. As for the best folk-horror anthology, not to be flippant, but any one of my own Terror Tales series ... 😊(https://t.co/P87gHUpz34)

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Amanthea Rosie, mother of Amelia and Danni, omnipotent flippant Goddess who may not appreciate the consequences of her sort of fun

Trixie Cleavage, tallstack fox waitress and mother of shortstacks Mina and Tina (with small catboy dad). Not their level of power but v. Caring

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4) Wallace
Indecisa se metterlo o meno, massì.
Dato che a Steven piace moltissimo viaggiare in cerca di pietre rare, egli lascia la lega di Hoenn nelle mani di Wallace. Loro sono migliori amici dall'infanzia e Steven si fida tantissimo di lui. Molti li shippano, io nope

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eu tô shippando muito mais eles do que o casal verdadeiro

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Chairman Rose has to be one of the most intriguingly complex antagonists of recent years. In almost every medium, he's flippant yet earnest, lackadaisical yet driven, polite yet intimidating. Ghetsis and Giovanni are lots of fun, but they sometimes feel shallow by comparison.

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It's another delinquent Tomomo by ! That flippant expression is so good... and she looks so soft🥰#commission

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