Here’s what I’m thinking! Cinna my OC for an example.
A little more refined, they’ll have a little less blockyness/fluff for hair and fur and clothing. I failed to give her an object, but she stretching man. I’ll open some slots up tomorrow if there is still interest!!

7 26

baron harkonnen: [murders leto]
paul & jessica: [flying a halicopter after almost being murdered]
piter: [dead]
dr kynes doing GOD knows what:

0 0

doodle dump, I've been a little blocked and sad recently so I tried to draw without worrying too much about wonkyness hehe 🐊💕

0 2

I cannot wait to write Raven/Mina's snarkyness in comics - both in Eon and Void. Had a blast experimenting with inking the last few days and I feel like I am close to finding the happy medium between comic art and painting.Oh!And that adorable bastard Remy is owned by

1 9

I can share my dragon OC, Jezzabel Kynestra, skilled in glamour magic and charming trickery!

0 2

I really love the wackyness of the Paul Rudish Mickey shorts.

125 708

Finished deer designs
(Scott/Carter/Reuben) XD

body size & built = self explanatory
ear size = empathy
hoof size = confidence
horn size = extrovertedness
horn spikyness - aggression
tail size - libido

26 347

Happy Halloweeeen!
I hope this Samhain is filled with spookyness and the best kind of madness.
I hope there's pumpkins being carved and faces being painted and that you eat too much and the daoine sídhe make an appearance and you all have a wonderful time!

2 4

I thiiiiink i got the upper body skeleton sorted?
There's gonna be some conflict with the head and upper cockpit door so i might just reduce the chunkyness of the cockpit top door which is fine. I figured the chest would be small as a skeleton since the armor will be more flashy

6 30

for spookyness, i say my ghost OC Madame Buxine

3 35

Yknow, you could have a perfect masterpiece, a work of art that fully constitutes the spookyness of halloween as a twitter pfp in october.

But me? I'm a simple man.

3 41

this change of weather wont change my kinkyness!

22 145

He doesn't like your stinkyness.

0 2

Here's my entry for : Jezzabel Kynestra, my fluff dragon 'mageblade'. Mischievous and daring, compassionate and cheeky, she'll dazzle you with glamour spells and swordplay! Artists are: left,, and right, the always amaze

2 8

I drew OC they did but i dont think they gave her a name. but i liked her design and chunkyness

10 45

Aaaa I reached 1k on instagram so here’s the I’m hosting to go with it! follow the tag

I drew a nice dnd demon gal (if only you could actually play one). I’m excited 💕✨

3 10

Spooky huh? 😊 The one I have that it's the most relatable with spookyness it's this one 😊 a fanart of the movie '' The Crow'' with Brandon Lee 😊 Thank you so much for doing this thread btw! 😊🙏

4 15