A skill used to increase movement speed by 35%; he attacks and jumps towards the target, sealing his star shield within seconds.


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A skill that if it hits a target, it will erase the mark, refund its mana cost and slow the target down for 3 turns.


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A skill used to fire a missile that explodes after first hitting an enemy inflicting physical damage from the missing health.


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Concept de logo pour l'entreprise fictive "HappyPooch". Je me suis beaucoup amusé à créer ce logo, qui est plutôt une illustration. En tout cas, cela a été un bon exercice.

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A skill used to load the boat in seconds, the speed gradually increases and the body is mastered during the period.


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Le est le petit logo à côté du nom de site internet dans l'onglet de votre navigateur internet. C'est une version carré et simplifié du logo de l'entreprise. .

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A skill used to charge in the specified direction. If he encounters an enemy, it will jump into the air with his strength.


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