The absolute winners of this October's 😳🌹

These artworks of mine completely sold out!!!

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Happy Halloween, & happy comic-con for anyone who attended MCM London this weekend 🥳

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Tom signed my work! He was so lovely about it. Just praying does a con in the near future too! 💕

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If you see me awkwardly carrying artwork around at please come say hi, I promise I’m friendly despite my resting bitch face 😘

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Ya esta cercaaaaa, pronto tendré el siguiente capítulo :')

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i should be asleep by now, but im too excited for i can’t sleep you guys!!
cons make my whole year and i can’t wait to show you the cool ass cosplayers i meet and any art i may buy 🦋

who else is in the can’t sleep gang??

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Come see us at 2A5 if you're around! :D

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ITS HAPPENING YA'LL! We are back at MCM London! Here's how to find us over the weekend 💜 We can't wait to see you all again 💜💜💜

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I'm at MCM Comic Con London this weekend!! I'll be selling prints, pins n stickers from table F-11 in Artist Alley!! I've got prints of my latest painting, as well as a new piece I haven't posted yet 👀

Come say hi!

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