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Revelado un nuevo arte conceptual de en el que tenemos que preguntarte:

¿No ves ahí la cara de Xóchitl Gómez, la actriz que interpreta a América Chávez? 👀

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Nuevos artes conceptuales de

Los poderes de Kamala iban a ser ligeramente diferentes de lo que finalmente vimos en la serie 🌟

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¡Concept-art de con una idea visual diferente de sus poderes!

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Concept art for shared by . Originally her constructs were going to be yellow and she was going to make platform levels like a video game to travel amongst the city. While it looks cool, I'm glad they went with the purple stepping stone version instead.

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More concept art. Here are two unused concepts for Ms. Marvel's main costume. All created before the wonderful Iman Vellani was cast, who has done a stellar job with the role! I loved exploring slightly different looks inspired by the comic book! Stay tuned for more!:)

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Today's Warm up! Ms Marvel ended, and I loved it, and Primal Season 2 premieres this week! And I love Primal... so I decided to draw both at the same time!

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Just in case you hadn’t heard, Head Writer of 😳😳😳
joins and I on for what is already an instant classic of an interview. 🔥🔥🔥
Art by 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽
Listen Here: https://t.co/rrW1sttgD1

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Re sharing this piece with some process shots. Still happy with this one!

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¿Qué les pareció la serie de Ms. Marvel? Les gustó, fue muy zzzz o simplemente les pareció ok?

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I forgot how much fun it was to see team up with (who happened to not have a healing factor at the time so he wore an armor but still used his claws and fought thru the pain)

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to taki "spoko" serial. Nie powala ale za razem nie jest zły. Uderza bardziej w tony kulturowe i młodzieżowe co jest dosyć spójne z bohaterką ale jednocześnie trochę mało superbohaterskości w serialu o superbohaterce. Czy to źle? Zależy od oczekiwań widza
Dla mnie 7/10

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