Bout time I drew my girl Anya again, mostly cause it's her birthday today

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Animated pixel thing for my friend, of their character Simone Schwarz

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Did this miraculously in a full day (and not several!)

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Gift for my friend Muggy's birthday, featuring his Bonnie (left) and my cat Velvet (right)

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The airy ladies in Tim Burton style, in "Airy Ladies' Hut of Enigma"

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My main girls Daria and Layla cosplaying as Velma and Daphne

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Fanart for a friend, character is sharpshooter Iodine

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Collab done for a switcharound meme, between two friends who did the sketch and lineart, and me who did the rest. Character is my self OC, Uvodd, continuing to be the airy fellow his former nickname suggests

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Gift art for of his characters Bonnie (right) and Fen (left)

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Fanart for a friend, of his webcomic project, The Library Storage Room Quartet, featuring characters based on chemical elements

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Silver, the character from a friend's upcoming project

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Revamp of an old and evil character Katie, this time she has turned into Velvet the Flaming Cat

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