How about giving a browse during This brilliantly illustrated tale of reason, insanity, love and truth recounts the story of Bertrand Russell's life. Currently available in your senior library!

1 3 buy the fairy asset pack on
they're perfect for making visual novels and more! feel free to customize them the way you'd like⭐

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EmpireWire cartoon (NY-21 CD) from January 2015.

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EmpireWire cartoon (NY-21st CD): third-hand intelligence.

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EmpireWire cartoon (#NY21 CD): getting out the vote with assault weapons.

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Triki the Space Vampire for ✨🦇🌎🌑🦇🦇✨

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Extra spooky icon commission done for empirewolf13! :)

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A concept sheet for a vampire character who’s been knocking around for a number of years now, but I’m pretty happy with this look now 😃

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EmpireWire cartoon ( the Amazing With great power comes great stupidity.

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