画質 高画質

work in progress..I just think this fish is the best thing I have ever drawn 😭😭

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Some of my latest edit progress. Each of them took one hour to edit🌸
I am really proud of how they turned out.
All of the pictures are taken by hikenji_cos (Instagram)

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Besides painting more🐰#MMOARTPG.
🐱I wanna sing for you
In future like this V singer:
Notice the🐰rabbit plushie the MusicVideo boy hugs
🐱Avatar redesign in progress.

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in progress... ✨

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Man I fomo’d in The herd is addicting. The staff keeps us updated with announcement on progress. Stories go read or listen to. Awesome realistic plans we see being carried out. Also looks awesome
A few of my stags

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Collin royal family. Just gotta add Jeffs twin,Rubin.
Work in progress.

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Stream is over! Here is today's progress. I'll be finishing it off stream!!

Thank you all so much for joining me today it was fun~😊 https://t.co/XZhbWBE37V

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The new design is still in progress. But it's so much growth ♡ https://t.co/SWCzLcE2fA

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i do plan to make my own model i just never did progress...from a year ago lol

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Let it be known, my silence means that im either busy.... or procrastinating trying to make give myself the willpower to work on something.

Yesterday was a little of both, but that doesn't mean there was no progress... on the contrary! Behold!

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Work in progress. She’s needing a bit of love and vibrancy but we are getting their! This is Esme, the Shadar-Kai twilight cleric. Say hello everyone. She’s the reason the party is surviving in Rime of the Frostmaiden.

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Day 83

More monster progress. Struggling to see where to go with this one. I think I’ve reached beyond my abilities


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Errors are the raw materials of evolution, the building blocks of progress. Embrace the chaos, and you'll see the beauty in the imperfection

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Still in progress...😈

Good night my babies❤🤞

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Colours flatted
Painted in the nebula
And the starfield

Just have to paint the ship and letter.

brushes are amazing to work with! Thanks Kyle!❤️

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