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Sculpting a dragon.. just the head right now
Anyway, more WIP to the piles lol

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Went through all the steps from laying out, sculpting, modelling geometry particles, shading, animating and post-processing! I learnt so much... https://t.co/5vIgpHBtrk

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Sculpting out Ser Hippo!I'll admit that I'm a much better sculptor than I am a modeler 🥲 Even as I enjoy fleshing this fellow out, I'm really concerned about my base model and UV meshes later on....just something to improve on

0 30

I feel like I'm sculpting more than drawing at this point. I was a bit h*rny drawing this ngl.

10 137

we do a ton of sculpting in anim! for almost every shot actually! by default our 3D rigs gave us very rounded shapes when we posed them (left) so we often did a shaping pass (right) after the performance was approved to get the characters looking more designed and on model https://t.co/88pVh80Z1k

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"Transmutation of shapes". 2021

3d digital artwork based on 3d sculpting and particles.

6k render. Not minted yet.

Details here 👇

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Messing around while sculpting up these shells. People keep telling me they got Batou vibes so I shoved this hairpiece on for laughs..

38 561

Morning mini project I started working on Yesterday. Always fun to just do weird nonsense, where will this model go? I have no idea! Much fun :)

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Idea: after curing from eleazar Dunyarzad visits a sculpting class to learn to use her hands again. Using her beloved bodyguard as reference she creates a statue which she projects her unvoiced feelings upon..

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some more update. The original concept was done by Grace Liu.

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Ooooo this thread is amazing!!! Thank you Beetle~!
AAAA HI. I am Panda! I am trans and love drawing/sculpting!!

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Fantastic work!

Looking into learning some 3D character modeling myself, though I'm retro-fitting hard surface techniques rather than sculpting.

The ball of "clay" makes brain go smooth.

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