Bossbots! Floyd the Flunky and Marjorie the Micromanager.

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Meg é de todas a minha princesa Disney favorita; Apesar de não ser exatamente princesa nesta história mas e daí, ela namora um semideus (que na mitologia original greco-romana Hércules era dá realeza sim).

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As 3 Ordens Clássicas como Musas gigantes

(e informações legais sobre arte e arquitetura greco-romana 👇) - A Thread

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Started a new campaign with my Friday group, this time DM’d by the very talented ! I got to try out the “Combat Medic” Rogue with a previous D&D-Funnel survived, Romana Blum ❤️ if you’re bleeding, she’ll patch you right up!

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"Il Santo del giorno prima", ieri si è celebrata la "Conversione di Paolo era un ebreo con la cittadinanza romana, nato nei primi anni dopo la morte di Cristo e fu alle porte di Damasco che una luce fortissima lo avvolse e sentì la voce di Gesù.

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La víspera anterior a una boda romana, la mujer cogía sus juguetes y los consagraba a Venus, Fortuna Virginalis o sus Penates🦋

Cambiaba sus vestidos de niña por una túnica blanca ribeteada de púrpura que le llegaba a los pies.

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A selection of Lorica Squamata (Bronze Scale Armour) from The larger fragment was found at the site of the frigidarium

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Travel to Sicily: the extraordinary mosaics of Villa Romana del Casale, the best preserved from the Roman Age.

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I can best sum up this game as "Lemmings Ultra Hard mode." The shear level of micromanaging you need to do for this freaking *8-bit zombie game* is insane.
Seemed cool but damn it ain't worth playing frame-by-frame just to get the timing right.

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Another digital watercolor I’m working on of Dionysus Bacchus the god of wine and ecstasy.

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3. Los durotriges fueron una confederación de tribus más que un pueblo homogéneo, acuñaron moneda y mantenían relación comercial con otras tribus celtas del continente. Tuvieron una gran actividad textil y metalúrgica. Aunque se resistieron a la invasión romana, hacia el ⤵️

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Another fascinating, if slightly odd, mosaic inscription from Roman Britain (the villa at Frampton, Dorset): ‘The head of Neptune allotted the kingdom tossed by winds, whose face/beard is dark blue and girt by twin dolphins’

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Na mitologia romana, Janus (ou Jano) é a divindade bifronte que mantém uma de suas faces sempre voltada para frente, o porvir, e a outra, para trás, em apreciação ao que já se passou. É o deus da transformação e o mediador das preces humanas aos demais deuses.

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So now I have this burly furry blank I made yesterday.😕

I stopped doing art commissions a long long LONG time ago because my heart wasn't in it anymore and I'm always irritated by being micromanaged along the way.

Some can handle it, I just can't.

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Izamaya Izakuro, junromana

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Al final, ni clases tuve, probablemente tenga el miércoles, bueno al menos aproveche el tiempo, si me disculpan tomare una siesta, casi no dormí anoche xd jeje

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