La gente que discute por twitter son ninis o muy desocupados con dunning- krugger, tontos creyéndose inteligentes con su grupo por discutir con gente más tonta que ellos .

PD: Mejor usen twitter para subir memazos

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This afternoon in at don’t miss “Deodato Holocaust”.

Brazilian documental film directed in 2019 by Felipe M. Guerra and starring Ruggero Deodato, Willie Aames and Luca Barbareschi.

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This afternoon in at don’t miss the cult classic “Cannibal Holocaust”.

Italian horror film directed in 1980 by Ruggero Deodato, written by Gianfranco Clerici, and starring
Robert Kerman, Carl Gabriel Yorke, Francesca Ciardi and Luca Barbareschi.

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Melissa Krugger, the young tennis player who never lost a match.

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Melissa Krugger, the tennis player who have never lost a match.

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Oggi, 14 Luglio, ricordiamo LEI e il trauma che la sua morte ci ha causato e dal quale Cresciamo, invecchiamo, l'abbiamo vista e rivista, ma la morte di durante la Presa della Bastiglia ci distruggere ogni volta. Dal 1789!

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They're accompanied by "the Crew," the rest of Rhett and Kamui's gang. They're a backline support unit that uses a wide variety of support skills. The names of these members include Willem, Nostradamus, Ruggero, and Pagliacci.

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Melissa Krugger, the young tennis player who never lose and never lost a tennis match.

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This is Melissa Krugger, a young tennis player who never lost a match. She is in love with Camilo Wallace.

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世界でご活躍、壁マン画家・津無理きねか先生の「小型え日記 」を更新。第104回「Per distruggere il cioccolato」です。モバイル版)

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Sale en Italia el libro con el guión de Ruggero Deodato para Holocausto Caníbal 2 y, lo mejor, ilustrado por Miguel Ángel Martín.

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