画質 高画質

Original character with a spear I came up with
while I was bedridden for the past week!
I was imagining Shantae games while drawing her, so despite the tight dress, bosoms, and legs, she is totally a wholesome character!
Also, I never tried any Shantae games.

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imagine having to draw mech with low resolution references ☠️

they don't even have the concept art for the back parts (arm/legs) too, leading to the artist having to imagine what they look like from behind ☠️

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Day24 : Grand Daddy Long Legs


Someday I would like to make handkerchiefs with this pattern printed on them.

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I tried to finish a drawing last night.
Cropped because I don't really like the face, and probably the legs are too small. I screwed up her left hand fingers too.

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Today is my birthday I probably should’ve set a reminder or something, I no plans tho so I doesn’t matter much

Had a little trouble deciding what Frieren should be sitting on, this drawing wasn’t supposed to have legs anyways, the potion was the focal point

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one suit was a blatantly a DOM😭 down to the bellbottom legs

...though, it was my fave suit tho, sorry pompadour ZZ

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Legs ´π`

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Day 733: pelvis "study." I tried using another artist's shorthand, but it didn't feel like i did it right. it feels like the pelvis constantly gives me trouble. it sucks since i want to draw butts/legs well, but have to re-draw them 75% of the time 😖

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I wonder why nothing catches my eye
Quite like the sight of a girl with a powerful machine
Between her legs~

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Footbath. Both tried to dip their legs.

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I'm gonna try making charms for my next booth. Only got 1 design tho, and it's doki 😂😂

I love her legs in this outfit

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babu! cw // neuvi legs umm 🤤

baru sadar ternyata neuvillette itu seramping itu ya diliat dari kakinya kecil bgt. yang bikin gede emang jubahnya 😭

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