
× Segundo o leaker chinês, teríamos estas como prováveis próximas skins para o LoL

× Lissandra Porcelana de Prestígio
× Sivir ( nova skin ) de Prestígio
× Algo sobre, "Ahri Lua Nevada"

Link para o vídeo

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Finally! My Hanksona!
This is Maximum Hank, aka Mank!
He's based of lighting and high voltage but like? Loosely.
He's Nevada's protector, protecting the weak from the strong. It's rumored he can cause a lighting storm with just a flick of his power plug like tail.

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Future World (2018) A young boy searches a future world wasteland for a rumored cure for his dying mother. James Franco, Suki Waterhouse, Jeffrey Wahlberg, Margarita Levieva, Snoop Dogg, George Lewis Jr., Method Man, Lucy Liu and Milla Jovovich. (

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Taking main stage is the largest character, a winged Devil..

He seems to be the warden (pun intended) of the hellish scene, enjoying a smoke, and handfuls of humans.

12 rare, similarly styled Devils have been rumored to be locked within the depths of Steel Hose Pen

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LEAK // 3.7 [questionable]
Second anemo bow user rumored to be Faruzan’s dedicated support

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Mi piace il verbo sentire…
Sentire il rumore del mare,
sentirne l’odore.
Sentire il suono della pioggia che ti bagna le labbra,

Sentire è il verbo delle emozioni,
ci si sdraia sulla schiena del mondo
e si sente…
Alda Merini
🎨H. Matisse

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Gate of the Underworld, the Terrifying Spot It was rumored that whoever approaches it or enters through its gate will inevitably perish

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22 Busin

The Seeker Rumored to be the Strongest in the Well
A demon that hides in the world's only mountain and appears on the battlefield
Always looking for a strong man who surpasses the former general

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Ruri lo está dando todo en la pasarela. Tanto, que ha acabado siendo portada en la revista de su pueblo. ¿Serán reales los rumores de la concursante en forma de C?

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Lanzan la primera imagen para el BL tailandés

📃: Un estudiante de cine hace una pasantía en un set donde se enamora de un actor
📌El BL no ha revelado sus protagonistas, pero los rumores apuntan a

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La que se rumoreó hace años, Adeline Rudolph.

Me parece que cuadra, aunque obviamente depende de la edad que busquen.

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【UTAU】The vocal synth of the hour is Sekka Yufu.
Known for having only soft voicebanks, Yufu is a soft girl who is always seen with her winter coat on regardless of the weather. It is rumored that she may be a snow spirit.

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💥 NOVO BL COM Rumores apontam que eles devem estrelar o novo BL tailandês,

Um estudante de cinema começa a estagiar no set de uma série e acaba apaixonado pelo protagonista.

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【UTAU】The vocal synth of the hour is Sekka Yufu.
Known for having only soft voicebanks, Yufu is a soft girl who is always seen with her winter coat on regardless of the weather. It is rumored that she may be a snow spirit.

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🐉The princess🐉

“Cuenta la leyenda que el rey del clan dragón tuvo descendencia, pero jamás han vuelto a ver a su heredero.
Rumores dicen que un humano ha cargado con un ser de cabellos dorados, quien presuntamente lleva la sangre de un dragón”

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Ekina, or Varda, is rumored to have a base on the Jovian moon of Europa. This hasn't been confirmed as any pitates hunting her crew on the frigid ice moon have not lived long enough to find her. (Based on the art of )

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Rumores apuntan a que el manga ‘El misterio prohibido de Ron Kamonohashi’ contará con adaptación anime.
Manga creado por Akira Amano, autora también de ‘Tutor Hitman Reborn!’, que podemos leer gracias a

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VMO mosh pit, rumored to be the most dangerous because of darkness and too bright in the world before coronavirus, is back.

"Feel the pain. Suffering and sacrifice are precious. Don't run away from the pain. Enjoy the best moments of your life."

The rules are below

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Faerghal O Cruadhlaoich, circa 1400 de nuestro señor, ex-apotecario del condado de Roscommon, desaparecido luego de que se esparcieran rumores de su implicancia con brujeria

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El gran emperador wei a tomado como esposa a la fallida concubina lan
se rumorea que aun conserva su virginidad intacta aunque ya a estado en el harem de wx por dos años
que escandalo¡¡¡¡¡😲😲😅

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