/ аж тыж иобаный ты найух что происхооодиииииииттт /

0 9

Just finished She-Ra recently and had to do a screencap redraw to celebrate! Love these two so much!

20 60

Reposting, because there's a detail that no one's mentioned noticing yet: Catra's flushed, because not only is Adora proposing, she also managed to beat her to the punch.

2 11

Outra fanart catradora pq aparentemente eu não sou mais capaz de desenhar outro casal que não elas. Elas se pegavam na zona do medo e só minha opinião importa.

Ah e we want she ra movie carai

5 29

My first post here! I recreated this iconic scene of my queen Entrapta in a 90's anime style.

3 5

Here's for when they're trying to figure out what kind of monster IT 🤡 was. Cause lmao I just managed to watched 1 and 2 AND SURVIVE. I had my thoughts between psychic ghost or alien parasite/monster. Couldn't decide myself so😂

4 15

This started as class work but in the end I took it more to my field jdjdjdj, it is a crossover with a classic painting ✨✨

16 55

Refiz essa cena rapidão com meu traço por motivos de ainda não superei.

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