An approximate view of what an illustration would look like using 3D

0 12

Smirnov Alexander Romanovich, my character for Looks scary but he actually just tired. Hunter in both his lives, gunslinger.

7 52

I don't remember if I ever posted this thing here, been long since I made it -smirnovxblacksad

26 153

1.7 alpha 2

cafe was modeled
new dialogue boxes
lights were buggy and flashy as shit
the bathrooms didnt have sinks??
there was no fridge in the cafe kitchen
plantonio (1st image) and smirnov (3rd image) were the only non-shroom NPCs

1 2

Летучая мышь на Луне. Или на сыре.

0 2

Тема 14 «Эфирные масла»

Захотелось выложить скетч и «без скетчевый» слой так скажем

0 2

Хэллоуинские гирлянды от лешего

0 4