画質 高画質

Visual 3rd stage -bllk stage akhirnya keluar hari ini! Sayangnya belum ada itoshi sae, tapi kita dapet bllk 11 dan team world five!! (Unfortunately aktor rin jg ganti 😥). Buat list cast bisa cek ke akun @.BLUELOCK_STAGE atau web mereka. Sender bener2 ga sabar nonton (cont..) https://t.co/2tEOkZQbBz

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Guys drop headcanon apa aja yuk soal Itoshi Sae, sender lagi kangen banget sama Sae:(((

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▼ Available for Hentai Director Tier (and higher tiers)
▼ Suport me for more content

【PATREON】: https://t.co/oR1tm36Yae
【PIXIV】: https://t.co/DYIgzR8ZTa

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お題箱 https://t.co/uiksfEdvHF 
you could draw hidetoshi, akihiko, kanji, yusuke and the persona 1 protagonist hanging out together? i love the emperors arcana so much

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i adore the ongoing milennium idol project because it is a reference to one of my favorite bittersweet films “millennium actress” by satoshi kon. there can’t be a more fitting concept for robin

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『SATOSHI KON, THE ILLUSIONIST(今敏─夢みる人)』の鑑賞でそのつながりを学びました。

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Satoshi Kurosaki司会によるトークバラエティ形式でお届け。

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-bllkawan in a mission to find more friends❕️❕️❕️

yang suka jbjb ayo temenan sama aku, selagi kalian ga masalah kalau aku suka interaksi/jbjb tiba-tiba dan hype animanga lain 🌸🌸🌸

itoshi sae stan get a freepass! pic hanya pemanis 💌

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-bllk warning spoiler manga
kemungkinan itoshi brother baikan :
1. ga bakal
2. ga dulu
3. kapan² aja
4. gausah ngarep
5. "hey what do you mean this is game like a part time job for you? listen up I'm gonna crush you!"

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筒井康隆先生やダーレン・アロノフスキーによる今 敏監督とその作品に対する思いをご本人が語る形で聞けて嬉しかったです。

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Guys liat itoshi brothers lagi ngumpul

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cw // -bllk spoiler manga , spoiler characters

Season 2 tayang 5 bulan lagi nih, kalian siap gak menyaksikan...

"Nice to meet you, Japan. I'm Nagi Seishiro", masa lalu Itoshi brothers, Chigiri nangis, Rin kena tendang Shidou, masa lalu Aiku, Reo copy teknik pemain (cont..)

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It is 4 AM in the morning. The lingering voices that the wine left in my head whispered to me, "Redraw the yaoi." Who am I to deny them yaoi. So i opened medibang and drew the yaoi. Oh yuaooiii 😍😍

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