

50 174


ピッコロさん‼️ まだ気を溜めてる途中なので時間を稼いで下さい‼️

6 66

The blade of the samurai.

📷 MMC Stray Asterisk

5 17

Mi nombre es Joan Marc, me gustan las artes gráficas, y uno de mis hobbies es la fotografía, y estas dos pasiones las dedico al toy-photography (fotografía con figuras a escala).

1 22

Hi 📸 My name is Joan Marc, I like graphic arts, and one of my Hobbies is photography and I dedicate these two passions to toy-photography (photography with scale figures).

2 5

Hi 📸 My name is Joan Marc, I like graphic arts, and one of my Hobbies is photography and I dedicate these two passions to toy-photography (photography with scale figures).

0 3