African Mythological Creatures i had a lot of fun designing, can you guess the names? bonus points if you can get the cultures their from... no cheating!

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Ian Pearsall. One of 2021’s fastest selling artists. His style is unique. His canvas is built from the bricks of life and is now traversing the fields that feed us.

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Starting designs for an arctic truck/ snowplough.

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209/365 "The Point" from my 365 Project

The view looking down on the rock formations from the Tarka Trail, painted with washes of watercolour before adding definition with loose inked lines.

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من مشروع "وَلَه" (تم اقتناؤها)
Flower- "Obsession" project
© (Acquired)
2021, mixed media on canvas, 60 x 40 cm

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208/365 "London Shadows" from my 365 Project

Big Ben and Westminster emerge through loose splashes and drips of ink.

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Dwelling 1. Dwelling 3. 2014. . on wood. With the viewer in motion, the horizontal blur captures our momentum while also representing our indifference to the random and anonymous dwellings only ever registered in the peripheral view.

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207/365 "Empty Farm Building" from my 365 Project

The thickness of oil paints allows me to create texture. Capturing texture was important for this piece, as the barn was constructed of many materials.

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زهرة التوليب
(تم اقتناؤها)
Tolip Flower - "Obsession" project
© (Acquired)
2021, mixed media on canvas, 60 x 40 cm

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مشروع "وَلَه"
Flower- "Obsession" project
2021, mixed media on canvas, 60 x 40 cm

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203/365 "Southbank Walk" from my 365 Project

Inspired by a tranquil sunset walk down London's Southbank, looking over the Thames towards St Paul's Cathedral.

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188/365 "River Seine Harmony" from my 365 Project

The Eiffel Tower silhouetted against a soft romantic sunset, reflected onto the River Seine.

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176/365 "It's a Misty Atmospheric Morning" from my 365 Project

A timeless Westminster scene, painted with an inky monochrome palette to portray an air of mystery.

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175/365 "London Skyline" from my 365 Project

Looking out towards the distant depths of the city, London's iconic skyscrapers rise faintly through the sunset haze.

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