My final upload for the night Ryuko and Satsuki from Kill La Kill

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Over the years, I've been trying to write Yukiki as less of a grumpy dude and more like someone who just doesn't know how to socialize with others due to his...unique situation.

He only knows how to look scary, which makes it difficult for him to make friends. What a dork.

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Sorry, Nonon can't answer atm, she's singing for her queen. She does this regularly.

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Satsuki answered a couple questions people had (from my ask satsunon on Instagram)

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Here's a fanart of cuddles and giggles with the theme of the suki kiari song

To make this drawing I was inspired by the drawing of the two of them cosplaying the kagamine twins of the user

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can i get a mash of:
If it matters, this is to mess with Wukiki

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Headcanon that satsuki sometimes likes to be super affectionate when her and nonon are alone 🥰

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Hey it’s me Wukiki
Shin Manga Protag
Space Cop
Karmatic Balancer
I ate your door dash, sorry dude

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My o my, wonder what'll happen to all these lovely ladies~...

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So y'all know that official satsunon headpat by the animator of klk? Well I digitalized and colored it because they're precious

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