Happy 10th Anniversary!✨
✏ Ryuko Matoi ✂️
"Kill la Kill" 'キルラキル'🌟

580 2827

Ryuko Matoi
(Design by Rei Sanbonzakura)

361 1669

“Oh Ryuuukoooo!” ✨ ✂️
Mako and Ryuko from Kill La Kill <3 https://t.co/JgzgRbsHJM

4 13

She’s done this is for you I hope you like it !

164 1324

Ryuko que vino de un pico de inspiración

10 44

Vintage Anime Ryuko!

Wanted to try out this retro look I saw in a tutorial with my recent renders!

9 27

🩸 Ryuko Matoi 🩸#killlakill
I finally can give good tribute to my fav waifu of all time !!

9 55