Wisdom: If you find yourself listening to a llama scream in the dead of night always remember to SELL SELL SELL!

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Wisdom: If you find yourself being fingered always remember to realize you suck

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Wisdom: If you find yourself listening to a llama scream in the dead of night always remember to SELL SELL SELL!

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Wisdom: If you find yourself with no friends always remember no one loves you Dave

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Wisdom: If you find yourself being fingered always remember no one loves you Dave

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Wisdom: If you find yourself eating a sandwich always remember to make tacos

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Wisdom: If you find yourself listening to a llama scream in the dead of night always remember to make tacos

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Wisdom: If you find yourself looking up always remember reading gay motivational posts online won't make you a better person.

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Wisdom: If you find yourself being fingered always remember to make tacos

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Japanese Health Manual Created During the 1918 Spanish Flu Pandemic Offers Timeless Wisdom: Stay Away from Others, Cover Your Mouth & Nose, and More https://t.co/CNEjvzSEn2 Hvala

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Wisdom: If you find yourself with a banana in your ear always remember to realize you suck

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Wisdom: If you find yourself eating a sandwich always remember block of cheese

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Wisdom: If you find yourself with an empty fridge always remember no one loves you Dave

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Wisdom: If you find yourself peeing alone always remember Burger King is only a bus-ride away

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Wisdom: If you find yourself peeing alone always remember block of cheese

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Wisdom: If you find yourself feeling good about life always remember no one loves you Dave

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Wisdom: If you find yourself with a banana in your ear always remember to give up and go home

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Wisdom: If you find yourself 'INSERT EMOTION HERE' always remember reading gay motivational posts online won't make you a better person.

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Wisdom: If you find yourself with a banana in your ear always remember reading gay motivational posts online won't make you a better person.

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Wisdom: If you find yourself reading through SHIT tweets on Twitter always remember reading gay motivational posts online won't make you a better person.

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