Slightly changed up wizardmons look, might do some more edits later on im still not 100% on it 🤔

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so I was continuing on that wizardmon pic but someone hoped into the stream and wished to know what happened to this character I once doodled last year, so I made a redraw (left)

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Hey I'm Lizmet and I *Only* ever draw my ocs or Digimon (Specifically Joe/Gomamon/Wizardmon)
Also I'm never consistent,, at all, ever.
(Idk who tag, UH)

(pinging mostly cos I love y'alls art sm)

2 6

A list of my fave digimon for no reason other than to reference for merch later

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presente para o vencedor do sorteio de 1k o Wizardmon! foi divertido fazer este!

o sorteio parece q ja faz 7 anos ne mas não foi nem a um mes atrás HAHAHAH tarde mas não falha 💓
Parabéns novamente!

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Can't draw Wizardmon without including his murderer in the fun. ;3

As much as I despise him for killing my favorite character, I do like him more than Devimon and most of the Dark Masters.

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WIP. Can't draw Wizardmon without his murderer.

Gonna give my hands a break. Probably will finish him up before the end of next week though.

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Kari Kamiya, Gatomon and Wizardmon, who hopes to see Wizardmon back in the reboot?

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Kari Kamiya (Hikari Yagami), Gatomon (Tailmon) and Wizardmon (Wizarmon).
Wizardmon likes playing a few practical jokes, because it has another, shyer side. What are your thoughts about Wizardmon?

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Digimon x Animal Crossing. Wizardmon & Tailmon!

Wizardmon here was a ko-fi commission from Yuggles.

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In case surprise Wizardmon wasn't enough here's surprise baby Impmon 💖💖 Frontier is amazing

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Tailmon com a roupa do Wizardmon.

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Kari, Gatomon and Wizardmon😢. What are your thoughts about Wizardmon?

5 17

Hi I'm Lizmet!
@/Elecmon on Tumblr
You'll mostly see me drawing Joe+Gomamon, Wizardmon, or tamersona commissions
I LOVE laughing at jokes/memes, and meeting new Digimon fans so whaaats up! 🤙🤙

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