Guys, I have a feeling Yuri Sakazaki is with the girls this time. Pao Pao Café has become their headquarters since KOF XIII!

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Hi everyone, someone here likes
i like the characters of that game so mucho, specially the girls they´re very charismatic and strong, one of my personal favorites is the great you can see more here

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And even more Blazblue, here its Noel a dressed as Yuri Sakazaki from KOF another fighting game I love

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Kot Team Girls made in a mobile in 40 min hurry.

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Yuri definitely wears her brother's suit better

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Original Definition Christmas Picture Profile and Wallpaper Mobile of

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Original Quality images of Christmas Set [The cute emperor!?]

Link to download in original quality:

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colour study
Model yurisa

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une petite case au hasard...
Richelieu et la gestion de la colère : des efforts constatés mais doit encore progresser !! 😂

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