More October art.
Consistent artsyle? Who's she?

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Hiya Alfiano! I absolutely adore your artsyle, and the way you illustrate your eyes is super neat like whoa❤. Honestly doing realism is still super hard to me so I love meeting people who can do it nicely. I on the other hand- I draw the animu xD.

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Hi this is a super cute idea wtf

Also my artsyle is trash lmao but i wanna take part in this thread so

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-bows bows- Done by me; I can borrow this artsyle from /

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"QTori! I really like your artsyle!"

"W-Which one..."


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this artsyle is really therapeutic to me 😌

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Loved the anime but never read the manga, need to solve it right now.
Been enamored of the artsyle for a long while.

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Super late to the party, but here’s my

Can you tell what each style is using my characters from ?

Also, read the webcomic these guys are from at:

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MOONDOG's new cover!
wtf happened to my artsyle??? it changed so suddenly 😂😂😂
Me gusta ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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Tried to draw May in the Skullgirls artsyle.

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Miku doodle from last night
trying to clean up my artsyle orz

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Sup here another dood bcs i hate assignment part 2
Tbh I didnt really like drawing fanart bcs my artstyle always didnt match thier personality sobs maybe would consider change artsyle :'(
(lol i wrote the 'death' wrongly)

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Here's the completed drawing, just in case you don't feel like going to dA just to see it.

I've really been taking a liking to this shadding style lately, Probably because of how it fits the artsyle I'm aiming for.

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Artstyle challenge I used 's Artsyle! >:0

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~Sonic Riders - Tangle The Lemur~
I haven't spotted anyone do a Riders design for Tangle yet so I decided to do it myself. (I am probably just blind lol)
Had fun doing this. It's kind of a unique artsyle. Me likey.

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Consistent artsyle...? Whats that...

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Well since im too fat!
Here's how i changed my artsyle between ! 😊

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