Me apena mucho que la saga Kitarō (Hakaba Kitarō y GeGeGe no Kitarō) no tenga tanta fama aquí en España. Es genial y merece muchísimo la pena, la verdad.

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Shout-out / Runner-up to several series in the last decade that either gave me the chance to experience my old favs in real time or finally check out for the first time

🏅Dragon Ball Super
🏅Gegege no Kitaro
🏅Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure
🏅Yamato 2199

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Show of hands, who would want this to be the cover of GegegenoKitaro's music album.

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Finally textured Kitaro now to just rig him

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Gegege no Kitarou spread

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Astiberri Ediciones presenta en noviembre dentro de su colección el octavo tomo de "Kitaro" de y una auténtica crónica social y culinaria con el segundo tomo de "La cantina de medianoche" de

Más info. ➡️

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このツイッターの最初の投稿. この素晴らしいタグにも参加したいです。
First post in this twitter, but I really want to participate! Kitaro/Minato is wonderful! <3

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I'M BACK! Why did it take me so long to ink and color in,I HAVE NO IDEA! And it's gonna be even more hard when I'm trying to create suitable dialogue for the characters.

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Here’s a nice quick look at how each decade’s Kitaro anime portrayed its characters

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👹 Gegege no Kitaro

▶️ Folge 80 :

Onmoraki ist ein Yokai, der Besitz von Leichen ergreifen kann. Er hat Tsutomu Takagis verstorbene Mutter in Besitz genommen und stiehlt den Menschen in seinem Umfeld Lebensenergie.

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Huevember Day 11: 4 of my favorite female characters from GegegenoKitaro!

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Shaman King
Yu-Gi-Oh! GX
Keroro Gunsou
Hakaba Kitaro

im worm baby

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