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Bismillaah... H-2 Ramadhan⚡Al-Qur'an adlh manual hdp manusia
Syngnya bnyk yg enggan mmbcany, seakan tau btul bgmn hdpnya
Sprti hlnya barang, ada manual book-nya, jk tdk phm, brg cpt rusak, tk tau pnyebabny, hny ada penysalan
mngkn brlaku jg utk manusia
Wallaahu a'lam bishshawaab
Treasure 🧻🧻Chubby Animals Talk • Story and illustration by Chow Hon Lam.
#toiletpaper #treasure #coronavirus #covid #stayathome #meme #ChowHonLamArt #chubbyanimalstalk #childrensbooks #picturebooks #comics #comic #webcomic #art #graphicroozane #simplycooldesign #picame
been considering toning down lam’s eyes and have it so they’re really only that intentionally uncanny shade of blue when something really Activates his Almonds
@seno1365 ルーツをあげるとキリないけど、今の若い人向けコンテンツでLAMさんのキービジュアル見る機会かなり多いから、結構ビビッドカラーかつ目周りの記号化ブームはこの人かなと思ってますの
広江礼威先生 @hiroerei から回して頂きました。
LAM先生 @ramdayo1122
オダワラハコネ先生 @odawarahakone
はぎげ先生 @hagige
CHANxCO先生 @chan_co
Kuko versi orok.
Also... Sekalian, lam kenal semua yg baru follow akun ini baik ketemu dari fb ataupun tidak. 😘😘😘
Shower 🐢🚿🐢🐢🐢🍕 Chubby Animals Talk • Story and illustration by Chow Hon Lam
#tmnt #TURTLE #cartoon #tvshows #shower #parody #ChowHonLamArt #chubbyanimalstalk #childrensbooks #picturebooks #comics #comic #webcomic #art #graphicroozane #simplycooldesign #picame
'The Bold, Brave Bunny' by Beth Ferry & Chow Hon Lam is “An enjoyable tale of the marvels of adventuring and the comfort of home.” —Kirkus Reviews @HarperCollinsCa 💕🐰📚 https://t.co/WtFcBwTke1 #IReadCanadian #ReadIndie #ThinkIndie #ShopIndie #ShopLocal
@Deepfryguy76 German occult lore and folklore are rich with NHE tales and poltergeist (a German word after all) accounts.
And there’s the 1928 ‘lodge demon’ of the Fraternitas Saturni (see below, 1928 drawing). Quite Lam, grey alien like:)
HELP 🐻 Chubby Animals Talk • Story and illustration by Chow Hon Lam
#ironman #parody #avengers #bear #polarbear #avengersendgame #ChowHonLamArt #chubbyanimalstalk #childrensbooks #picturebooks #comics #comic #webcomic #art #graphicroozane #simplycooldesign #picame
MAGIC ✨🐔🥚🐥✨ Chubby Animals Talk • Story and illustration by Chow Hon Lam ▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂
#magic #cat #kitten #cats #illusion #chicken #ChowHonLamArt #chubbyanimalstalk #childrensbooks #picturebooks #comics #comic #webcomic #art
Whose egg? 🐔🥚🦆Chubby Animals Talk • Story and illustration by Chow Hon Lam ▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂
#egg #chicken #duck #farm #lol #snake #ChowHonLamArt #chubbyanimalstalk #childrensbooks #picturebooks #comics #comic #webcomic #art #graphicroozane
@BatteryBatty Don’t know if you have space but can I ask for Lam, my grumpy shapeshifter? :D (sorry haven’t made a good ref sheet yet!!)
Artist Spotlight: @mewTripled We're excited to announce that Michelle Lam will be at LightBox Expo!🎉
Michelle is a storyboard artist on a board driven series at Netflix. She's also publishing her first graphic novel and producing personal comics on her Instagram. #LBX2020